The White Galaxy

Let's travel to our Lovely Galaxy!

Rabu, 14 Maret 2018

De Santa Family? Let's talk about that!

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Hello guys, so, welcome back to our lovely galaxy! We are going to have a talk about De Santa family. FYI, I am playing GTA V right now and it's so addicting! But yeah, i am focusing to the story and so far, i think this is the best GTA that i've ever played after San Andreas and the fourth. After finishing this game, i try to know deeper about this family because only in this GTA series that we get a whole family in some mission and i get interested! Why are we going to discuss something about De Santa? First, Michael De Santa is my favorite protagonist of GTA V and has an interesting life right there so i won't mind if we talk more about him lol. Then, he has a family which is also interesting to be discussed.

Every member of the family has their own interesting characteristic. We have Michael. He is a retired bank robber and now he tries to be a good husband and father. He brought a big mansion with a pool and tennis court. What a big place you get there, Michael! (actually, there has another reason why he lives here but i  don't.... nah i'm not focusing to that one.) He likes drinking, satirizing and watching TV. He tried to stop doing bad things and became a normal guy until unexpected events appeared. Then, Amanda. She is Michael's wifey. She likes doing yoga and tennis. She wants to be a healthy woman and i hope she could live for two hundred years like she always says when she drinks kale juice lol. Before that, she was a stripper then met Michael. Thank god, she ended it. They have 2 kids, Jimmy and Tracey. Jimmy is fat boy that likes playing games and hits some bongs sometimes! Well, he is a bad kid i admit that. Last, Tracey who always wants to be a star. Her hard-working needs to be appreciated and yeah, i hope you are not affected by that bad man, Lazlow. I would slap him, if i met him. Just-- just continue!

So, what are we gonna talk? hmm..

First, i want to talk how bad the family is. Michael is an alcoholic and his life is uncontrollable so that is why he needs therapist. Time flies and Michael becomes a good guy and he really wants to make a good family. Unfortunately, his  family drove him crazy. You know, Amanda cheated on him, Jimmy drugged him and Tracey... well Michael did the right way there but she said he ruined her life. What is wrong with you, guys? Michael has done some good stuffs there but you guys just like kick him off from the house.

"Thank you Michael! For ruining my f-cking Yoga!" Amanda said.

She loved Fabien so she dared to say that. If she loved him, she would trust Michael, wouldn't she? ðŸ‘€

I know that she had ever called a lawyer but, Did she divorce him? Nah, she taught that Michael would change so she gave him a chance by leaving him and taadaa! They become a good couple there! I'm glad to hear that! This is happened when they hang out. They become a good couple gradually and some chit-chat right there~ i give you applause to both of you!!

Last, the kids. That happens like their parents do. They were bad. Michael tried to protect them, but they resisted him. Poor Michael. I hate the moment when Jimmy drugged him. Like... tf? That's your father! Why did you do that? I know you hate him. Why don't you try another way, dude? Fortunately, after a long time, he realized he did a wrong way so he came back and fix the family. He finds a job and ya-da ya-da. Done! Then, he can be ask for hanging out!

About Tracey, i don't know lol. I don't think she is close to Michael because we don't interact too much to her. I like how she cares about Michael even she hates him sometimes. She emailed Michael when he exiled from Los Santos (and of course when they moved out a while) After mission complete, she looks normal. Nothing is wrong with her, except her relationship with fricking Lazlow. He is so bad i hope you don't talk with him anymore.

That's it. That is all what i want to say!

I speak through the words, because blog only does it. 

But yeah i hope you enjoy.

I try to write this in English so you will find some grammatical errors... I guess.

HAHA! I'll see you soon.. on the next article! /o/